Monday, October 15, 2007


While having SAVAYIAN(a dessert) at home yesterday, just a random thought came to ma mind-DOODH whatta amazing thing nature has given to us. Although many don’t like drinking milk but I do love it HOT- wid chocolate horlicks bourvita or ne other drink…or COLD as cold coffee or milk shake in some flavor.

There are other delicious desert all made of milk, say KHIR,SAVAYIAN.or sweets like MALAI GILORI,RAS MALAI,GILORI.

It is a main constituent of many main course dishes (may b in form of cream or cheese) like SHAHEE PANEER(INFACT ALL THE PANEER DISHES),MALAI KOFTA, BAKED VEGETABLE AND COUNT MAY GO ON..

Ever thought how a Dominos Pizza or Mc Donald’s would Burger would have tastes without cheese,or how lazeez SARSO ka SAAG wid MAKKE ki ROTI taste without butter,more over how the world would have been without Ice cream and KULFI…

It is such a precious and lovely gift from nature to mankind.

It is remarkable how man has learned to develop so many dishes desserts.

Ne how from the post you may comprehend that I’m a big time FOODIE and just love MILK

I thank Bhagwan to bless us with such a wonderful thing..


1 comment:

Ashima said...

I hate milk...urgghhh used to love it as a kid per ab naheee but a cute pic