Monday, February 06, 2006

Reading-The Best 15 minutes Youll Ever Invest - Success

Reading-The Best 15 minutes Youll Ever Invest - Success: "Reading-The Best 15 minutes Youll Ever Invest

I recently was made aware of two comparative statistics that I thought you might find extremely valuable. I learned that the average American reads less than 2 books per year- one and a half to be exact, with almost two thirds of those going unfinished. On the whole, Americans have lost the habit of reading good books.
There is a notable exception, however. CEO's of Fortune 500 companies read, on average, roughly FOUR BOOKS PER WEEK! That equates to about 200 times the average for the rest of America, and I can guarantee that the vast majority of those books are good, meaty stuff that causes them to think about their business and/or their Life in a very healthy way.
Now I am not saying that you yourself need to start reading 4 books a week, but I will tell you this- I have personally seen that there is a direct and positive correlation between the amount of good reading an individual does and their influence and income. Unquestionably, the most life-changing habit you can develop is to systematically read good books. Charlie 'Tremendous' Jones coined the phrase that 'Leaders are always Readers'. Our friend Brian Tracy has seen it happen many times where an individual went from zero to 30 minutes a day of good reading and saw their income double, and we've seen it too. If you do not currently make positive reading a regular part of your Life- DO SO IMMEDIATELY!!!! Along with changing who you spend your time with, it is absolutely the most powerful way to change your life for the better.
Don't get me wrong- I realize that you need to work, spend time with your family and engage in all the great activities that you engage in, and you should. You don't need to become a full time student or some kind of hermit boo"

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